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Project's main activities

1. International focus group: Mentoring Programs between sport students and grassroots sport volunteers, an innovative proposal from Re-PLAY project

During this event a focus group of stakeholders will meet to contribute to the Handbook / Manual of the RePLAY Mentoring programme.

2. International Seminar: Sport universities and Grassroots sport, an innovative cooperation to enhance social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport in Europe

The international seminar will be the final transnational multiplier event which will summarise the activities and outputs developed during the project.

3. Northern Europe workshop: recruiting mentors for Re-PLAY innovative training & mentoring programme

The event will mainly aim at recruiting mentors that will be involved in the mentorship programme based in the partner countries and also countries nearby, to increase the network of youngsters that will benefit from the project.

4. Central Europe workshop: enhancing grassroots sport for social inclusion, training & mentoring tools

The main aim of this event will be promoting the training platform among grassroots sport organizations and volunteers.

5. Southern Europe Seminar: the role of Grassroots Sport in promoting social inclusion, how to enhance grassroots sport volunteers through quality training

The main aim of this event will be promoting the training platform among grassroots sport organizations and volunteers.