Big Bang Ballers

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Big Bang Ballers

The Big Bang Ballers are an association of that uses sports activities and specifically basketball as a tool for social inclusion, education, solidarity, and living-together in France and abroad.

Our main actions are divided in three goals :

– Promote alternative socially positive sports activities to the Basketball Community

– Provide access to the benefits of sports to those who are apart from it

– Induce gender equality and multi-cultural encounter through sports

A testimonial :

The Big Bangs have been a pioneer of experimenting inclusion through sports activities for more 10 years, we are very proud to participate in the Gathering, Mutualisation, and Dissemination of tools and good practices in order to help sports organisations become more inclusive, and allow sports to bring people together despite our differences.

Here’s a good video in France that relates a good example of what we do (but it’s in French)

And here are some photographs that relates our activities with the explanation in case for subtitles :

BBB charity tournament : we organise tournaments to raise funds for solidarity programs

BBB Roma Community young girls: providing sport activities and inclusion to young girls in slums from the roma community

BBB dunk on prejudice : we organise sport activities to make people with disabilities play with other players. To help live together and to fight prejudices against disabled people

BBB senegal : we fund a playground and coaches to promote education through sports and access to sport for everybody in the city of Louga in Senegal.

P1080714 + hiking Migrants + Migrants Ski moutain : Sport activities for the inclusion of migrants and refugees

Social inclusion : activities between local and refugees to promote solidarity and understanding